iPhone4 white version or into the next ** target

With China Unicom announced the sale of iPhone4 bare metal, this star model long-term shortage of sight is gone? The South Reporter learned from the local Apple authorized dealer Xinlian Mobile yesterday that in fact, since the beginning of last week (before Unicom started selling), the shortage situation has eased and the products have arrived one after another, and the shop scene has not appeared in the buying situation. As for the parallel importers who have been accused of falling prices, the profit of the iPhone 4 alone has indeed declined, but sales have increased, and the “loss” has not been imagined serious.

A highly credited online shop on Taobao has lowered the price of iPhone 4 a few days ago. Nandu reporters found that, like this online shop, most sellers did not lower prices to the market price of RMB 4500 (16GB version), and more prices still stood at RMB 5,000.

Nandu reporter visited several authorized Apple retail stores and China Unicom business offices in the city yesterday and asked about iPhone 4 sales. The results obtained were basically "in stock," and there were no queued purchases in the store. The supply was apparently already sufficient. The "yellow cows" who let the iPhone 4 be resentful.

However, Apple’s official online store, which has been out of stock for a long period of time, has had a short period of time before the company announced the sale of the iPhone 4 bare metal. However, the press release of the iPhone 4 sales page has suspended the "out of stock" card until the press release of the Southern Metropolis Daily yesterday.

About the industry rumors that the "iPhone4 opening and release of goods," the reason is to make way for the iPhone5, Apple's official natural silence, after all, there is currently no exact information on the iPhone5. In contrast, the white version of the iPhone4, which is 10 months late, is more like an incentive.

Prior to this, Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of marketing, had posted on its Weibo news that “white iPhones will be available this spring.”

Unlike the 3G version of the iPad, there is no obstacle to entering the Chinese market for the iPhone 4 with a color change. And in the mobile phone market, different prices of different models of the same model are common. Once the white iPhone 4 production is less than the current black version, it will undoubtedly become the next target for the bulls.

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